SISS Teachers Took Part in the Training Workshop “Ipad Applications in Teaching” with the Apple Team

September 19, 2023

SISS is a school that constantly prioritizes integrating digital technology into the teaching process in accordance with New South Wales requirements to enhance students’ experiences with contemporary learning. This includes training and upgrading teachers’ technological skills to provide the best results.

Teachers at SISS attended a training workshop on how to use iPads in teaching on September 15 and 16, 2023, with the professional team from Apple. The School decided to employ iPads made by Apple due to their numerous features, adaptable design, educational relevance, and dedication to securely storing user data.

The information presented during the workshop helps teachers:

  • Learn how to use and navigate the iPad’s basic features
  • Teach and supervise students on how to use the equipment properly and safely
  • Learn and choose software and programs that align with the course objectives and curriculum
  • Utilize iPad capabilities to encourage group work and creativity among students

The School also hopes that by attending this training, all teachers will gain a clear understanding of the value of incorporating contemporary technology into the teaching and learning process, thereby enhancing educational opportunities for students and assisting them in becoming future digital citizens.

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