Tutoring Classes

In addition to the hours spent in the classroom and in Clubs, students at SISS have the opportunity to take part in Tutoring Classes to deepen their knowledge, widen their perspectives, and hone their abilities, as well as familiarize themselves with the New South Wales Integrated Program.
https://siss.edu.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/edit-1.svg Registration: Sep 4th – Sep 8th, 2023
https://siss.edu.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/rocket.svg Starting date: Sep 11th, 2023

Tutoring Classes are designed for students who want to improve their English skills and advance their knowledge in core subjects such as English, Science, and Math.


In order to join the Tutoring Classes, students will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Results of the student’s entrance test at the time of enrollment
  • Results of the assessment in the first week (New South Wales main subjects: English, Science, and Math)
  • Result of the exercises that students performed in the first two weeks of schooling
  • Results of the homework that the student submitted
  • Evaluation results directly from subject teachers and co-teachers
Evaluation Criteria
Tutoring Subjects:
English, Math, Science
80 minutes/session
(1 session/week)
Years 1, 2: Tuesday
Years 3, 5: Thursday
Years 6, 7: Thursday
Class Organization
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