
Clubs are an essential activity to provide students with worthwhile experiences in an international-standard learning environment. By actively participating in clubs, students may develop their hidden talents and build a network of peers who are enthusiastic about their chosen areas and constantly pursue their passions. As a result, families are encouraged to sign up for their kids at the beginning of the academic year.

Detailed Information:

Total number of Clubs a student can register for: Maximum of 02 Clubs
Total participation time: 80 minutes/week
(equivalent to 02 lessons in a week and 25 lessons in a year)
Total number of members in a Club: 15 – 30 students

List of Clubs


The Basketball Club creates a fair and healthy playground for students to burn calories and exercise after class hours. Basketball is appealing because it encourages students to develop their self-control, sense of teamwork, strategic and leadership thinking, as well as creativity and innovation. Students who join the Basketball Club have the chance to experience a new environment where they may gain inspiration, learn about this popular sport, practice to develop professional techniques, and be inspired by famous basketball players.


Ballet is an artistic discipline with a long history that has always been recognized in the art world. Ballet demands challenging techniques and extensive practice; therefore, students must begin at a young age if they want to become professional dancers. In Ballet Club, students may develop their passion for dancing alongside their peers, learn more about classical and contemporary dance styles, and train with skilled teachers. Additionally, students are given the chance to compete in various events so they may develop and gain personal experience.

Academic Writing

The Academic Writing Club is designed to provide students with basic to advanced academic writing skills. By being involved in this Club, students can learn fundamental to sophisticated academic writing techniques. The Club focuses on abilities including writing essays, organizing ideas, and using appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Students will comprehend some of the principles for producing a thorough academic paper through practical exercises and guidance from teachers. Students will have the confidence to create an academic paper that meets the academic criteria by the end of the club session. The Academic Writing Club is an ideal environment for students to improve their writing abilities while gaining the knowledge and abilities required for success in academics and research.


The Badminton Club is designed for individuals who are new to or have prior expertise in this healthy sport. This is an activity that requires strong teamwork as well as individualized approaches. As a result, when taking part in the Badminton Club, students may put many beneficial skills and qualities into practice, including cooperation, independence, problem-solving, sensitivity, etc. Because of its adaptability and simple prerequisites, badminton is regarded as a sport that every student is able to study and practice. Additionally, participating in singles or doubles matches enables students to burn out and enhance mental health conditions.


Students are given a thorough introduction to the world of clay and ceramics through the Ceramics Club. Many people today believe that learning to make pottery is a highly beneficial kind of soul-healing treatment. As a result, after taking theoretical lessons in the Club, students will benefit from moments of comfort and relaxation when they are able to create their own final products. Students will be taught about various types of clay, kiln operation, surface decoration, and expert sculpting techniques when they join the Ceramics Club. The students may then use their own impressions to make their own colorful artwork.

Indian Chess

Indian Chess is no longer just a sport for adults; many young people are becoming interested in it. The fact that more and more students are taking their interest in Indian chess seriously and following their enthusiasm for this intellectually challenging sport is enough evidence. Students will learn about various Indian chess strategies and approaches through hours of involvement in the Indian Chess Club. They will also have the chance to get practical experience through competitions with other Club members or in school competitions. Additionally, students will develop critical and logical thinking, evaluation and handling of situations, analysis of scenarios, planning, etc.

Chinese Chess

Chinese Chess is one of the games with a rich history and cultural significance, along with Indian chess. In addition, this is a very engaging sport that offers players numerous advantages, including intellectual growth, thinking skills, autonomous working abilities, and so on. One of the reasons the School established a Chinese Chess Club for students was to showcase and support young, outstanding chess players. Additionally, students will get the chance to take part in various competitions while they are at the Club.


The Choir Club attracts students who have a passion for singing and want to learn more about choral music. Students will study fundamental to advanced approaches for constructing catchy and compelling harmonies. By joining the Choir Club, students may develop their singing and harmonizing abilities, learn how to harmonize with the choir, and increase their confidence while performing in front of an audience. At significant events, they will also have the chance to take part in performances organized by the School.

Computer Science

Students who join the Club will receive a strong foundation in Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing them to create dynamic websites and interactive apps. Students in Years 6 and above are welcome to join the Computer Science Club, especially those who enjoy learning about and exploring the world of multitasking programming. They can organize groups to compete in contests at the School, city, and even worldwide levels by joining the club and finding like-minded peers with whom to pursue the topic of Computer Science.

Experimental Arts

Any student can try out and explore this new subject of study. Through a variety of experimental and practical art techniques, including paper cutting, collage, and others, students will explore their creative potential. Students will learn more about the world of art via engaging introductions and practice sessions, as well as how to create various art styles. Additionally, students are given the chance to take part in creative activities covering a range of subjects so they may showcase their artistic talent.

Zumba Kids

Zumba is an energetic aerobic dance workout program developed especially for school-aged youngsters. Students will experience energizing dancing sessions that help reduce stress, boost endurance, burn calories, and build strength through a blend of lively background music and simple-to-follow routines. All students are welcome to join the Club, which is neither technically nor professionally demanding. By joining the Club, students may dance freely with their classmates, becoming more courageous and confident when participating in group events.


Students who participate in Drama Club will learn more about drama, acting fundamentals, improvisation, storytelling, and stage performance. Students who attend the Drama Club will get the chance to dress up as characters from well-known plays in order to demonstrate their acting skills and empathize with the characters’ emotions. Students will be able to discover their inner artists through this and take advantage of the chance to perform at the School’s significant events. Students are encouraged to write their own scripts for the play that bears their names in addition to practicing acting methods.

Fashion Design

Students who join the Fashion Design Club will learn about the development of the fashion industry, global fashion trends, and how to develop one’s own sense of style. They will take part in lessons designed to train professional fashion designers. Students will receive intensive instruction to meet their enthusiasm for design, starting with the foundations and moving on to sketching and prototyping. Students are also given the chance to introduce and display their creations to everyone at the end of the club.


GIN is an abbreviation of the Global Network Club. The GIN Club, which will be run by students, intends to increase their understanding of and participation in global concerns. Students may engage here, learn about urgent global issues, collaborate on projects, and develop community-beneficial activities. Children will have a greater understanding of the issues that a global citizen will confront through the Club, as well as the value of collaboration in generating positive social outcomes.


Students will learn the fundamentals of this popular sport as well as how to swing the golf club like a pro. The Club concentrates on assisting students in holding the club correctly, comprehending swing mechanics and ball placement, as well as comprehending golf’s regulations and etiquette. The teacher will keep a close eye on the students improvement in their golfing skills. Students can develop their thinking skills, tactic-building abilities, adaptability, and practical experience while striking the ball.

Graphic Design

The goal of the Graphic Design Club is to provide a place where students with a love for the field may express their creativity and lay the groundwork for a successful future. Along with learning about graphic design, students are also encouraged to express their original ideas using supporting tools like Canva, Tinkercad, and so on. Computer systems are available for use by students. At school, contemporary tools are accessible for students to create products that suit their preferences. The Club will allow students to demonstrate their strengths while continually enhancing their creative abilities.


Students who join the Gym Club will not only see improvements in their health issues but also get the information needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Students are also taught to analyze their fitness to determine the workouts that are suited for their endurance before performing the associated exercises and to create objectives using the S.M.A.R.T. principles. To guarantee holistic growth, students will learn an additional technique to enhance mental health as well as to address respiratory and cardiovascular issues.


The Harmonica Club is a place where students can explore and develop their musical abilities by learning and practicing playing this specially structured wind instrument. Additionally, anyone who enjoys the harmonica or is curious about this instrument can gather here. Students will learn how to hold the harmonica, how to produce a sound, and how to play the initial notes if they have never played one before. They will learn some intermediate and advanced strategies to ramp up their performance if they already have a foundation in these skills.


Students who join this traditional martial arts Club will be guided by experienced teachers. Along with learning the basics of Karate, they will also practice other martial arts moves that range from easy to difficult. The Club will assist students in developing their stamina, endurance, self-defense, and resistance skills, as well as discipline and martial arts. Teachers will constantly monitor the class to guarantee student safety, and only the teacher’s direction and approval are allowed for practice.

Leadership Skills

Leadership is an essential skill for success in today’s world that helps determine the success of students on their journey to becoming global citizens. Therefore, it is even more important to start developing leadership skills at a young age. By joining the Club, students may gain certain leadership skills, such as how to connect with others and how to influence a group of peers. Along with imparting education, the Club also builds helpful play areas where they may hone their skills and enhance their personal experiences.

Life Skills

Any learner should equip themselves with the required life skills so they can effortlessly adjust to and adapt to whatever environment. The Life Skills Club was established to provide students with these sets of abilities. Students will develop their flexibility, learn how to regulate their emotions, and develop suitable strategies and solutions to challenges through hands-on activities conducted at various stages. Another important aspect of this Club’s development is communication skills.


The Master of Ceremonies (MC) Club is a meeting place for members who are enthusiastic about hosting, event planners, and individuals looking to boost their self-confidence when giving presentations in front of audiences and commanding the stage. Students will learn how to practice proper pronunciation, control the stage, lead a story, and generate ideas to develop expert scenarios for events through well-planned classes. Students will also get the chance to take part in organizing a number of significant House System and school-level activities at the same time.


The Origami Club helps students master the craft of papermaking and produce stunning works of art. Along with learning new skills like origami, paper cutting, and paper twisting, students will also explore various types of paper that are best suited for the given tasks. Students will have a thorough grasp of paper folding by the conclusion of the club and be able to make original creations using the art of origami. Students who join the Club will put their attention, focus, and creativity into practice while also experiencing a variety of unique artistic opportunities.


Students can exchange ideas, gain new skills, and share knowledge about photography in the Photography Club. The Club will be a place for individuals who are enthusiastic about photography but lack much expertise to gain more professional abilities and fulfill their passion for it. Thanks to the information and skills they acquire through the Club, students will be able to freely express themselves, share stories about their daily lives, and record memorable moments in their student lives through the photographs taken by themselves.

Research Skills

Research abilities assist students in their academic work by helping them comprehend what is being taught more thoroughly. High school students also require research skills if they want to develop into learners who comprehend concepts deeply, grasp a wide range of information, and do not ignore the fundamental values that knowledge delivers. Students are encouraged and assisted by the Research Skills Club in the development of their research, analytical, and problem-solving skills. They will also understand how to efficiently discover, assess, and use information in a responsible manner.


Top universities both domestically and internationally are presently paying close attention to and investing heavily in the STEM fields. Students’ early exposure to STEM subjects will help them quickly determine their course of study and future employment when they graduate from high school. Join the Robotics Club, where students may use LEGO Education SPIKE and Vex IQ to learn about and explore the fascinating world of science and technology. Additionally, students will learn how to think creatively, solve problems, work in teams, and communicate effectively.

Survival Skills

Parents are frequently concerned that their children are strong academically but lack survival skills. Teaching students practical life skills is a primary priority in modern educational programs. This means that by attending the Survival Skills Club, students will be able to adapt to various settings swiftly. Students will learn skills including communication, shelter construction, planning, route construction, and others through hands-on activities.


The Club serves as a meeting place for students who enjoy martial arts, particularly Taekwondo, and those who wish to study or work out after school. Learning Taekwondo seeks to improve and perfect all of a student’s physical and mental qualities, in addition to giving them the ability to protect themselves. Students will train in a fair, safe, and martial environment. Students may also take part in casual games between Houses, and tournaments held at the city level, or inter-school level.

TED Talks

The Club’s expertise and skills, together with the themes covered in TED Talks, will help students advance their understanding, presentation, and communication abilities. They will understand how to communicate ideas, engage with listeners, provide constructive feedback, and command the stage to draw in an audience. Students will also learn about a wide range of subjects and viewpoints, which helps them broaden their knowledge to support their learning and growth. Students’ participation in TEDxYouth or other youth presentation contests will likewise be based on this assumption.

The World Scholar’s Cup

The World Scholar’s Cup is an international academic competition for students aged 8 to 18. As one of the biggest worldwide intellectual competitions for high school students, this contest has been going on for more than ten years. Students who want to join The World Scholar’s Cup Club will have a greater understanding of the tournament as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to win. In order to boost their confidence before formally competing, students will also engage in debates and discussions on a range of subjects.

Track Running

Students may enjoy this extremely athletic activity in the best possible setting at the Track Running Club. In order to get good outcomes, they must learn strategies for balancing their breathing while running and boosting their endurance. By practicing and studying in a safe playground, students can develop their sportsmanship, strengthen their bodies, and relieve stress from studying and examinations. The Club or school-held athletic tournaments will also provide students with worthwhile and memorable experiences.


Vovinam Club was founded with the aim of building a playground, engaging in physical activity, sports, and health improvement, as well as assisting students in learning more about this Vietnamese martial arts-rich discipline. Students will practice fundamental motions and techniques, or kata, from simple to sophisticated, in addition to theoretical teachings, to continuously challenge themselves. Like other martial arts organizations, Vovinam Club fosters an environment where members may compete on a variety of levels.

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