5 Unique Teaching Methods at SISS

February 03, 2024

Teaching methods play an important role in creating an effective learning environment and instilling a passion for learning in students. The Sydney International School System (SISS) is proud to apply the following 5 unique and progressive teaching methods to help students develop comprehensively and make a difference.

1. Walker Learning Approach – WLA

Walker Learning is a unique teaching method at SISS that is internationally recognized and has been implemented in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia for more than 25 years. This teaching method carries the philosophy that successful education must include two main elements: life skills and academic skills. Walker Learning embraces the joy of learning and a spirit of continual discovery, which are central to the teaching philosophy. Through this, learning is not simply about imparting knowledge but also encourages students to self-investigate, ask questions, and think creatively to solve real-life problems and prepare for the future.

Walker Learning is a teaching method that encourages inquiry and discovery through observation, testing, and developing their own ideas, creating conditions for students to access real-life learning environments. Some typical activities include planting trees, taking care of animals, creating models, and solving problems in the community.

The planning process to implement Walker Learning includes detailed completion of documents and arrangement of learning support equipment to develop 5 basic learning outcomes for students: Emotions, Social, Language, Cognitive, and Physical.

The Walker Learning khuyến khích tìm hiểu và khám phá theo hướng quan sát, thử nghiệm và phát triển ý tưởng của riêng mình
Walker Learning encourages inquiry and discovery through observation, experimentation, and the development of one’s ideas

2. Project-based Learning (PBL)

Project-based Learning builds students’ creative capacity to solve difficult or unstructured problems, often in small groups. Typically, Project-based Learning takes students through the following stages:

  • Identify the problem
  • Agree or come up with a solution and a strategy to achieve the solution
  • Design and develop prototypes of solutions
  • Refine the solution based on feedback from experts and instructors

Depending on the teacher’s goals, the size and scope of the project can vary greatly. Students may complete the four phases listed above over multiple weeks or even multiple times during a class period.

Project-based Learning là phương pháp giảng dạy cốt lõi mà SISS tận dụng để thúc đẩy sự quá trình học tập sâu sắc và ứng dụng kiến thức vào thực tế.
Project-based Learning is the core teaching method that SISS utilizes to promote deep learning and practical application of knowledge

At SISS, teachers and students participate in the process of selecting and building projects based on real-life topics or problems related to many fields such as science, art, technology, society, culture, and environment. With projects implementing the Project-based Learning method, SISS students are encouraged to apply knowledge from many different subjects. Integrating knowledge across subjects helps students recognize the interconnections between various fields and enables them to apply their knowledge comprehensively.

Tại SISS, giáo viên và học sinh cùng tham gia vào quá trình lựa chọn và xây dựng dự án
At SISS, teachers and students participate in the process of selecting and building projects

Project-based Learning is an effective teaching method, helping students develop self-study, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. By participating in real-life projects, students have the opportunity to apply knowledge in practice and become confident and creative learners.

3. Talk 4 Writing

The Talk 4 Writing teaching method is a support method for learning English, designed by famous British educator and writer Pie Corbett, promising to bring students a full journey of conquering the language effectively.

Tested by a group of primary education experts in Lewisham (London, England), Talk 4 Writing has affirmed its position in helping students confidently develop language proficiency. Currently, Talk 4 Writing is widely applied in primary schools in the UK and many international schools around the world, contributing to arousing a passion for English in many students.

Inspired by students’ natural learning instincts, Talk 4 Writing guides them through three steps:

  • Imitation: They are immersed in engaging stories, repeating sentence patterns and grammar naturally, creating a solid foundation for language learning.
  • Innovation: Based on the model story, they are encouraged to create new content, freely explore, and express themselves through language.
  • Independent Application: They confidently apply the knowledge and skills they have learned into practice, communicating effectively in many different contexts.
Talk 4 Writing là một phương pháp giảng dạy được ứng dụng thường xuyên tại Hệ thống Trường Sydney
Talk 4 Writing is a teaching method frequently applied at the Sydney International School System

Teachers at SISS aim to help students develop the ability to express ideas coherently and logically in text, discussion, and writing activities so that they can master their ideas clearly and convincingly. Through the Talk 4 Writing teaching method, students improve their skills in using English effectively in writing and communication, while nurturing their love for language and arousing their potential for creativity and breakthroughs.

4. Multisensory Structured Language (MSL)

The Multisensory Structured Language teaching method (or Multisensory Structured Language Education) is one of the special approaches at SISS, designed to help students learn language more effectively by using different senses in the learning process.

Students are engaged in hands-on activities, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and moving. Using multiple senses stimulates the brain and creates a diverse, interactive learning environment.

Học sinh đang được áp dụng phương pháp giảng dạy Multisensory Structured Language để nhận biết chữ cái bằng xúc giác
Students are applying the Multisensory Structured Language teaching method to recognize letters by touching

Teachers will use diverse teaching media such as images, audio, video, and hands-on activities to enhance students’ learning experiences. The combination of teaching media helps students access knowledge more comprehensively and vividly, retain knowledge better, and have a deeper understanding of language. Activities such as acting or creating images with language help students easily apply knowledge into practice and strengthen their understanding.

10 basic steps to design a lesson plan with the Multisensory Structured Language teaching method:

  1. Alphabet/Phonological Awareness
  2. Handwriting
  3. Reading Assessment
  4. Dictation Assessment
  5. Vocabulary Introduction
  6. Reading Practice
  7. Spelling
  8. Extensive Reading/Writing
  9. Practice Spoken Language
  10. Listening

Multisensory Structured Language is a teaching method that focuses not only on developing language skills but also on developing other skills such as social skills, teamwork skills, and multilingual language skills. The integrated learning of language and other skills helps students become well-rounded and ready for the outside world. Teachers provide ongoing support and feedback to ensure that each student has the best opportunity to access and understand knowledge.

The Multisensory Structured Language method at SISS is an effective approach, creating conditions for students to participate in diverse practice activities, have the opportunity to develop language skills and acquire comprehensive understanding through language acquisition.

5. Count Me In Too (CMIT)

In 1996, the New Zealand Ministry of Education launched the Count Me In Too teaching method pilot project for schools as a grassroots mathematics professional development project. Count Me In Too is a special teaching method at SISS, designed to help students develop math skills through solving real-life problems and engaging in fun activities instead of writing and calculating on paper.

They participate in activities like playing games, solving puzzles, solving money management problems, etc., and from here, turn mathematics into exciting and effective learning projects.

Một trong các hình thức áp dụng Count Me In Too
One of the forms of applying to Count Me In Too

The real-life problem helps students apply mathematical knowledge to everyday situations and clearly understand the meaning and application of mathematics in life. Therefore, Count Me In Too is not only about imparting mathematical knowledge or logical thinking but also a way to stimulate students’ interest and passion for mathematics.

SISS is a school that comprehensively applies the above-advanced teaching methods. With a team of experienced and enthusiastic teachers, SISS is committed to providing students with a creative and effective learning environment, helping them develop comprehensively and achieve success in the future. To learn more about the Sydney International School System, parents may contact the hotline at (028) 777 666 88 or via Facebook.

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