Words of Love from SISS Teachers

May 23, 2024

An academic year may not be too long, but it has left countless memories in the hearts of SISS teachers. The emotions felt by accompanying the Jaguars are conveyed through these loving messages.

“My dear students!” – Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Han affectionately called her students – “Time flies so quickly! I still remember your innocent, naive faces, unfamiliar with everything, on your first day at SISS. Yet after 9 months of studying and spending time together, we now see each other as a big family with countless memories. Although I know you will soon grow up and venture to new horizons, I can’t help but feel emotional saying goodbye to my dear students!

The academic year 2023 – 2024 has ended, and an exciting summer is awaiting you. Rest up and have fun after a year of hard work and preparation, and get ready for Year 1, my dear students!

This place will always be your second home. SISS and your teachers will always follow every step of your journey. We always hope you are healthy, diligent, and grow into good people. I will always remember you – my first students at SISS. Thank you, dear parents, for always trusting, supporting, and cooperating with me and the School throughout the academic year 2023 – 2024 at SISS.”

“As you stand on the threshold of a new chapter, I want to extend my warmest congratulations on your graduation! You’ve achieved a milestone that’s a testament to your hard work and dedication. Witnessing your growth this past year has filled my heart with pride. Your laughter, curiosity, and determination have been a constant source of joy and inspiration.

As you embark on the journey ahead, remember that the sky is the limit for your dreams and aspirations. Embrace challenges with courage, for they are the stepping stones to greatness. Continue to explore, learn, grow, and know that your potential is limitless.

While this chapter may be closing, always cherish the memories we’ve shared and carry the lessons learned with you. Remember, you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Wishing you all the success and happiness in the world!” – Mr. Thomas Smith’s emotional words to students.

“An academic year has ended but it feels like just yesterday. Back then, you were busy getting to know new friends, new teachers, and your new school, and now you continue to be busy preparing for a new environment – Secondary School. At that moment, I realized you had grown up so much. Throughout the year, I witnessed your efforts and diligence and felt your caring heart toward teachers and love for friends. As a teacher, I understand that you are still kind-hearted children with unique personalities. Therefore, I hope nothing more than that you maintain your spirit of dedication to learning, know right from wrong and sharpen your skills and qualities for personal growth and improvement. My Year 5A is always the best!” – Ms. Nguyen Vu Nam Binh – Homeroom Teacher of Year 5A expressed sentimental feelings when she witnessed her student’s graduation.
“We have gone through an academic year full of beautiful memories together. I hope you will continue to grow, develop self-discipline, and develop your strengths to achieve your goals and dreams. Wishing you many great achievements on your new journey. Keep your spirit up to overcome difficulties and obstacles, and you will achieve everything you want.” – Mr. Nguyen Tien Dat extended encouraging advice to his students before embarking on a new academic journey.

Along with the heartfelt farewells to the graduating students, let us listen to the teachers’ warm messages after a year of accompanying the Jaguars.

“So the Year 2 has come to an end. Just recently, you were shyly introducing your names, and now you have completed the academic year 2023 – 2024 with many moments of shared memories. I am very happy to have accompanied you throughout this year. I hope you will continue to do well in your studies with the love and support of your parents and teachers. Love you all very much!” – Ms. Nguyen Thi Thai Xuyen’s loving message to her students.
“A year of study and growth at the shared home of SISS is gradually closing. Remember the first days of school when you were still the little students, somewhat mature but still somewhat childish. Through a year of studying together, we have bonded, shared, and walked together through every lesson. And above all, you have grown together – matured in knowledge, thoughts, and actions.

Your journey to knowledge and character development is still very long but also very interesting with many new experiences. I believe that what you have learned, along with your initiative and youthful, always optimistic, and loving spirits, will be invaluable baggage in the future. At the moment of saying goodbye to the academic year, I want to thank you, dear Parents, for accompanying the teachers and the School in achieving such good academic results. Have a joyful and meaningful summer!” – Mr. Huynh Thanh Tien was reflecting on his time with the Jaguars.

“Time flies so fast, doesn’t it, dear 7A students? Another academic year has passed, marking your growth in both knowledge and skills. Throughout the class, our bond has gone through many different emotions – joy, sadness, anger, forgiveness, and love. This is natural for any relationship or group. We appreciate what has passed and see how close and loving we have been.

I thank you for your continuous efforts in your studies and for being obedient and respectful students throughout the academic year. Thank you, dear parents, for always supporting and accompanying the School for a successful and meaningful academic year.

I wish you all good health, happiness, and the best academic achievements in the future. There will be many difficulties and challenges ahead; try to stand up and never give up!” – Ms. Nguyen Thi Hue cherished the times spent with the Jaguars in Year 7A.

“So we have had a year full of interesting experiences together, right? I wish you always keep your passion and love for art, as it is the key to opening the door to the soul within each of us.” – Ms. Tran Thuy Nguyen Thuy’s sincere wish to her dear students.

In addition to sending love to the students, the School and all the teachers also wish to express our deepest gratitude to parents for accompanying us in nurturing the students to become good and talented people.

We sincerely thank you for entrusting SISS with the opportunity to plant the seeds of joy and cultivate positive attributes, allowing our students to blossom with the knowledge and virtues of a dynamic, progressive, and compassionate global citizen.

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