The Emotions of Jaguars on the End of the First Academic Year

May 21, 2024

As the academic year 2023 – 2024 comes to an end, the Jaguars shared heartfelt messages of nostalgia, excitement, and gratitude to their teachers, friends, and families.

Dressed in their graduation gowns, the Prep students shared their excitement as they prepared to move on to a new educational level, full of new and exciting things awaiting them.

“I like drawing and dancing the most. Although I really want to continue in Prep class, I am ready to move up to Year 1 to learn to draw better and dance ballet better!” – Tran Buu Doan Ngoc from Prep – talked about her favorite subjects at SISS.
“In the past academic year, my favorite subject was Math. I am ready to move up to Year 1 to learn many more interesting lessons.” – Nguyen Vo Hoang Bach from Prep – eagerly looked forward to bizarre things in the next educational level.

Wearing the graduation gowns, the Year 5 students conveyed messages with beautiful emotions.

“My journey at SISS has been so memorable and amazing. SISS is like my second home. It was not just a place for learning but also for sharing, where I could feel love. In addition to the knowledge from books, the teachers taught me how to love and respect others. Teachers are our friends, advisors, and motivators who have played an important role in our lives. Together with our parents, they are the ones who supported us throughout this journey.” – Nguyen Anh Khoi – Representative of SISS students to speak at the Graduation and Closing Ceremony.
“I feel quite nervous moving up to Secondary School because I don’t know what my friends and teachers will be like. Throughout my time at SISS, I have felt very happy. I hope to get high grades in Secondary School. I want to thank my parents because whenever I face difficulties, they always encourage and support me.” – Tran The Minh from Year 5 expressed his thoughts as he prepared for a new journey.
“Preparing to move up to Secondary School, I feel very happy but also a bit sad and nostalgic about not continuing to learn with my Year 5 teachers. I feel that the past academic year at SISS has been a very joyful one, full of interesting things but also challenges and difficulties. I hope to achieve high grades and better accomplishments in Secondary School. I want to thank my parents for supporting and accompanying me all this time, and I also thank the teachers for educating me.” – Lam Kien Tuong from Year 5 conveyed his feelings in sentimental words.
“I feel happy because I am about to move up to Year 2. I hope to study with new teachers next year and achieve high grades. I want to thank all the teachers for teaching me so many things. I got to learn English, Maths, and Science. What makes me happiest is studying with friends and participating in interesting field trips.” – Tran Gia An from Year 1 hoped for a new academic year with many interesting things at SISS.
“I feel happy as the summer break approaches, but I also feel sad because I will miss my friends and teachers. I want to thank Ms. Xuyên and the other teachers for teaching me so much. The happiest thing this academic year was going camping and meeting many new friends. I hope to see my friends again next academic year and learn many new things.” – Bui Linh San from Year 2 sent loving messages to her friends and teachers.
“Next year, I hope to participate in many activities and score 10 points on my exams. What made me happy this academic year was participating in fun activities and having many friends to play with. I thank the School and the teachers for accompanying me this academic year.” – Mai Ha Anh from Year 3 expressed her enthusiasm for activities in the upcoming summer break and the new academic year.
“A year of bonding with the School and friends has passed. This has been an academic year filled with many interesting and emotional experiences, and it is also the most memorable year for me. I have learned a lot of useful knowledge and gained positive insights from friends and teachers. Friends have been the most valuable gift I have received over the past academic year. They have helped me feel better when I was sad and supported me in my studies. I feel happy to have such wonderful friends.

I also want to thank the teachers for helping me make progress in my studies. In particular, I want to express my gratitude to Ms. Lam and Ms. Tran for their assistance in my Maths and English. Although we sometimes made it difficult for the teachers to talk loudly, to me, my class is the one filled with the most laughter and happiness. It is really hard to leave this school.” – Hoang Linh Dan from Year 6 shared emotional memories about her teachers and friends over the past academic year.

“Another academic year has passed in the blink of an eye. I feel very happy and joyful because I have achieved many good results, and I am excited about the upcoming two months of relaxing. However, there is also a bit of sadness and nostalgia as I have to say goodbye to my teachers, friends, and interesting classes. Over the past academic year, I have learned a lot of useful and interesting knowledge. At the same time, I have also gained many skills such as problem-solving, time management, teamwork, presentation, and more.

There are many things that made me happy this academic year, but what I appreciate the most is the teaching methods of the School. The teachers gave us time to explore knowledge in books or apply our existing knowledge, then present and share what we had learned with the whole class. In my opinion, this is a new and dynamic method that has helped us develop our skills in searching, organizing, and presenting information. Additionally, there were lessons where we needed to evaluate and express our personal views, and the whole class would discuss the topic. Through these activities, we had the opportunity to voice our thoughts, opinions, and arguments – practical and necessary skills.

I also want to express my gratitude to Ms. Hue for always caring for and loving us. She not only supported us in our studies but also shared and comforted us when we faced difficulties in life.

In the upcoming academic year, I am looking forward to making new friends and participating in various competitions so that we can challenge ourselves and learn many new things.” – Nguyen Vu Gia An from Year 7 reflected on the memorable times of the past academic year.

From simple words to deeply moving messages, Jaguars shared their most sincere gratitude and beautiful moments over the past academic year. We hope that you will continue to cherish these precious emotions on your future journeys.

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