Well-being Day: Action for Community Health

January 10, 2024

Dedicated to the enhancement of the mental health of the community, Sydney International School System frequently organizes Well-being Day for parents, students, and teachers with many different activities.

SISS is one of the few schools in Vietnam that builds a learning environment according to the well-being model in education. In addition to Spirit Days, SISS also integrates the organization of Well-being Day to help community members raise awareness about mental health, foster positive thinking, and equip them with the necessary skills to protect themselves and those around them.

The more modern life becomes, the more likely it is that problems related to mental and physical health will arise. One of the most vulnerable individuals is students because their awareness of the world around them is still limited. Moreover, students not only contend with academic pressure but also deal with many other problems, such as peer pressure, family pressure, and social pressure.

Through Well-being Day, the School will organize seminars or activities to support the mental health of the community for parents, students, and teachers.

In the first term of the academic year 2023 – 2024, the School held a workshop with the parent community and Master of Psychology Nguyen Tu Anh on the topic of “Positive Discipline in Parenting Practice.” Here, parents had the opportunity to learn about positive discipline methods and their effectiveness in educating children. Instead of using spanking and deterrent measures to make children afraid, parents can set family rules and offer encouragement and motivation for their children. Parents need to create a sense of security so that when they encounter difficulties in life, their children will be more open to sharing their difficulties with their parents, like friends.

Students are equally active when participating in seminars with psychologists or engaging in lessons with their psychology teacher at school. Students not only learn about mental and emotional well-being but are also equipped with skills to protect themselves in the school environment and society. Besides, how to maintain relationships and how to develop social skills are also topics that children learn during Well-being Day.

For the teaching staff, in addition to participating in training activities to improve their expertise, teachers also proactively learn and hone their knowledge and skills to understand the psychological needs of students. Particularly in January, teachers participated in the seminar “Applying Effective Positive Discipline in Interacting with Students” with Master of Psychology Nguyen Thi Tu Anh. Through participation in the workshop, teachers have gained a deeper understanding of the concept of positive discipline in education and its importance in guiding and nurturing students. Accordingly, for the positive discipline method, punishments or words that can cause mental harm to students should be strictly prohibited.

In the coming time, the School will continue to implement Well-being Day with many different topics to spread positive values of a happy academic community.

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