An excellent educational program creates lifelong learners

October 23, 2023

Excellence is one of the core values that SISS pursues and incorporates into the curriculum with the desire to help students become lifelong learners.

SISS believes that each student is unique in some manner. The School uses a student-centered educational strategy to achieve academic excellence. This method creates a demanding curriculum that teaches students problem-solving, critical thinking, and individual and group work skills, inspiring them to become lifelong learners.

1. Excellent academic program

A top-notch academic program that SISS inherits from contemporary Australian education – more especially, the program in New South Wales, one of the states with the oldest educational systems in the country – demonstrates the brilliance that SISS fosters. The program’s goal is to produce generations of responsible, dynamic, and adaptable global citizens who are prepared for changes in the future.

Not only that, New South Wales is also one of the few states that applies the School Excellence Framework criteria to evaluate the learning environment and educational programs of schools. public and private. This is also the basis for schools in the State of New South Wales in general and international schools teaching this program in particular to continuously update, evaluate, and maintain excellence in the teaching and learning process.

2. Factors for students to develop excellence

It is critical that we distinguish between the two ideas of “excellence” and “perfection” before discussing achieving excellence. The reason for this is that, while aiming for excellence serves as a constructive incentive for students to become the greatest versions of themselves, perfection is frequently linked to a fear of failing. Consequently, you should concentrate on fully understanding the notion and meaning of excellence rather than striving for perfectionism.

You may need to overcome obstacles, setbacks, and self-doubt in order to attain excellence. You also need to have self-belief, willpower, and persistence. Students must continuously reflect on and work on themselves throughout the process in order to identify their strengths and overcome their flaws. Pursuing greatness, however, also enables students to appreciate the process and grow from their errors rather than concentrating solely on the outcome. Students will have a strong understanding of the importance of education and personal growth, as well as how to reconcile individual preferences with practical capabilities.

Here are some pointers on how students might pursue greatness and develop into lifelong learners:

  • Identify your own strengths and weaknesses: Students must take this self-questioning process seriously and investigate it using a variety of media.
  • Develop a positive attitude towards learning: Choose your learning carefully so that you don’t feel under pressure to learn everything.
  • Focus on the process instead of the results: Never forget that the most crucial thing is what you learn along the process.
  • Go beyond your boundaries: To allow oneself to “engage” with new difficulties, you must genuinely believe that you are capable of anything.
  • Link individual accountability to societal advancement: Make others aware of your significance in society and your obligation to take responsibility for it.
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