Dear Our Beloved Teachers

November 24, 2023

For us, teachers are like our second parents, to whom we are forever grateful. – Nguyen Anh Khoi, Jaguar from Year 5A, shared his emotional words with his teachers on the occasion of the Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.

My name is Nguyen Anh Khoi, a student in Year 5A. I sincerely wish all teachers good health and happiness on this special day, November 20th, which marks the 41st year of Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.

In the late autumn days, when the yellow leaves stop falling and the cold gradually comes, that is also the time when we joyfully welcome a very special celebration to express our gratitude to the teachers.

From an early age, we learned to respect our teachers and the lessons we received from them. The lullabies of our moms and grandmothers always serve as a reminder of how much we should value our teachers.

Teacher, a common word, yet so great and sacred. They are those who have given their all and dedicated their lives to their passion for “nurturing people”. Teachers, in my perspective, spent their youth nurturing our youth.

For us, teachers are our respected second fathers and mothers, to whom we are forever grateful. In addition to imparting knowledge, teachers shape our every action, attitude, manner of speaking, and behavior. Our teachers care for, protect, and teach us. They are the ones who love us. Each of our hearts has the imprint of every word, gesture, action, and even the looks and eyes of our teachers. They have equipped us with the knowledge we need to confront life’s problems with enthusiasm and confidence.

In addition, I also have a few words to say to Ms. Binh, the Year 5A Homeroom Teacher. I remember when we were still adjusting to our new school, our homeroom teacher was always kind, caring, helpful, and instructive. She helped us bond as a group, love one another, and work together to achieve good academic success. Sometimes when we don’t behave well, she gets upset, but we are so grateful for her unwavering love for us.

As I conclude, I would like to wish all teachers a very happy and memorable day on behalf of the Jaguars. Also, from the bottom of our hearts, we would like to send you our most respectful gratitude.

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