What did the Jaguars say after two months of studying at SISS?

September 15, 2023

Are you excited to begin a new academic year at SISS? Do you have any memorable experiences or memories from the past few weeks?

For us, the last 2 months have been more wonderful than we could have ever imagined, and we are incredibly delighted with it. This was the year when we entered 7th grade, and we felt as though our classmates and teachers were like family to us. Our friends are friendly, amusing, and always willing to lend a hand and support one another when struggling in classes or with other lessons, and so on. Even though there are just eight students in our class, it is always filled with laughter and joy since we always respect and play fairly with one another.

Ms. Hue, our homeroom teacher, is really compassionate and cares about us. Her love and attention make us feel extremely thankful, and we feel as though this is our second home, rather than a classroom. She is always there for us when we have challenges or difficulties in lessons and subjects, and she also shares and opens up with us.

The range of subjects taught in the School is enormous. We studied several beneficial subjects that provided us with a variety of useful knowledge applicable to our present and future lives. The School’s teaching approaches are unique, engaging, and entertaining for us students. Teachers often provide us with group discussion time to study new information, which helps us develop our collaboration skills and raises our desire to learn. After that, we engaged in an active debate with the entire class. This is, in our opinion, a creative teaching method that allows students the chance to acquire numerous essential life skills.

In terms of the School’s facilities, employing round tables for learning is a fantastic strategy, giving students many opportunities to practice their collaboration skills. We hope to have a memorable school year with our teachers and friends at SISS.

This is the sharings from Khuat Nguyen Viet A, Nguyen Dao Van Lam, Nguyen Vu Gia An, and Vo Khanh Phuc An from Year 7A.

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