Proud of the Talented Speakers of TEDx SISS Youth 2024

April 08, 2024

SISS successfully closed TEDx SISS Youth 2024 with boundless pride for the talented Jaguars, who have continuously cultivated and developed themselves through this meaningful academic playground.

After 1 month, the TEDx SISS Youth 2024 journey officially ended with warm applause from parents, families, teachers, and friends for the Jaguars who confidently participated in the competition. At the Final Round held on March 30, 2024, the 10 best speakers left a deep impression on the attendees with their confident demeanor, clear presentations, and creative ideas on their selected themes.

Sharing about the competition, Phan Minh Khang, a student of Year 7, could not hide his joy upon learning that he was one of 10 contestants who won a “ticket” to advance to the Final Round. Despite being excited, Khang also took advantage of the time to “review videos on the topic I chose, and search for useful information to add to the presentation. In addition, I also consulted my teachers to evaluate the appropriateness of the information.”

Similar to Khang, Le Duong Hoang Kim of Year 3 was also excited and prepared meticulously for this Final Round. She shared, “To get ready for the Final Round of the TEDx SISS Youth, I spent a lot of time practicing my speech and learning more about my topic. Every day, I diligently practiced and balanced my time between studying, relaxing, and preparing for the competition. It was hard work, but it was worth it.”

Perhaps, like Minh Khang or Hoang Kim, each contestant participating in the Final Round wants to deliver the most impressive presentation. The students also put a lot of effort into the competition, from the first days of discussing the topic with their advisors to standing on stage and presenting their ideas. Thereby, the students have once again demonstrated the capacity and skills of brave and talented Jaguars.

Please listen to what the Parents, Board of Principals, and Jaguars have to say about the competition:

Not only that, Minh Khang and Hoang Kim were also honored to represent the TEDx SISS Youth 2024 contestants and deliver their presentations at the School Year Exhibition “Jaguars: The World Changers,” which took place on April 6, 2024.

Minh Khang shared, “I felt very proud to stand on that stage. Although I was nervous, I tried my best to not disappoint my parents and teachers. I appreciate that opportunity and will also use it as motivation for myself.”

Also expressing her pride at being chosen as a representative student to present on the theme “Building a Better World: Youth as Changemakers,” Hoang Kim also happily shared that “I was also really honored to represent all the TEDx SISS Youth contestants with Kang and deliver my presentation at the School Year Exhibition. At first, I was so nervous because I was standing in front of so many people. However, after finishing the presentation, I felt very proud of myself and told my mother that I felt extremely confident standing on that big stage.”

The School invites Parents to watch the presentation of the 2 Jaguars in the video below!

Once again, thank you for always striving and performing your best. Please maintain the spirit of mastering the stage like the way you conquered TEDx SISS Youth 2024 to continue reaping achievements on the journey ahead! The School would also like to thank the Parents who attended the Final Round and the School Year Exhibition and cheered for our talented Jaguars.

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