SISS Launches the “Build A Better Tomorrow” Community Raising Fund

September 13, 2023

By establishing the “Build A Better Tomorrow” Community Raising Fund, the School hopes to bring the SISS community the opportunity to support difficult circumstances around the nation as well as spread our traditional moral values.

Vietnam has always developed and firmly encouraged community spirit, both in everyday life and in the efforts to build and protect the nation. The community spirit comes from solidarity, a profound bond between individuals and between individuals and groups.

Community spirit has been preserved and passed down from generation to generation in our country until now. It is not difficult to find images of benevolent people who help those in need or groups of students who are eager to work together to support individuals who have difficulty studying due to a variety of factors, such as poverty, familial situations, economic conditions, geographical locations, psychological issues, and so forth.

SISS is aware that each community and group contributes significantly to the creation of a civilized and sustainable society. Furthermore, it is crucial for people to have strong bonds and support for one another in their communities. Therefore, SISS not only inherited advanced educational points from the New South Wales (Australia) program but also established core principles of caring, sharing, and responsible community.

Students are constantly encouraged by the School to develop themselves in order to become responsible citizens in the digital era, capable of navigating the future with a global perspective while conserving and promoting the beauty of the country’s culture and identity. By giving students the chance to take part in community projects and activities, the School hopes they will realize that even small actions can have a big impact on society’s sustainable development. This will lay the groundwork for Vietnam’s international economic integration process.

Since the academic year 2023 – 2024, the School has administered the “Build A Better Tomorrow” Community Raising Fund, which encourages, supports, and conveys positive shared values through projects including Spirit Days and fairs; a series of art exhibitions, Christmas fairs, and music nights; activities for collecting funds in piggy banks and contributions for special events throughout the year; and so on.

This academic year, the “Build A Better Tomorrow” Fund targets the H’Mong community in Yen Bai Province, as students here face difficulties in accommodation, transportation, and lack of facilities in their journey to access knowledge – the gate that opens them the power to create the future they desire. The project will be implemented with the official name “Yen Bai, For a Brighter Tomorrow” with the following small projects:

  • “Strengthen the Present – Create the Future” Project: Develop housing close to the school for 40 to 50 H’Mong students at Son Thinh High School and Son Thinh Secondary School in Son Thinh Commune, Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province.
  • “Community House” Project: Build a cafeteria for children and a community living area for H’Mong students in addition to the “Strengthen the Present – Create the Future” project in Son Thinh Commune, Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province.
  • “Conquer the Future – Connect the Knowledge” Project: Install a system of 20 PCs to assist the students at Tuc Dan Primary & Secondary Ethnic Boarding School in meeting the demands of learning and gaining access to technology.
  • “Way to School – Way to Dreams” Project: Assist in funding the construction of around 1 km of concrete road on the most dangerous rocky slope for people living in Lang Tong Village, Tuc Dan Commune, Tram Tau District, Yen Bai Province.

With the help of parents and students, the mission of promoting positive community values will take on even greater significance. The School also believes that through these events and projects, we may create a loving community at SISS that is always prepared to help those in need and work together to create a society where no one is left behind. Therefore, parents and students, please keep updated on the photos from the projects and support the “Yen Bai, For a Brighter Tomorrow” project.

For further information, please click the link here:

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