SISS Welcomes the International Day of Peace with the Theme “Global Harmony: Embracing Peace”

September 09, 2023

Organizing many meaningful activities on the upcoming International Day of Peace on September 21st, 2023, SISS wishes to accompany students in creating a peaceful school community that is brimming with love and prepared to take concrete steps toward achieving world peace.

We are fortunate to live in a peaceful country and to have access to all of its legal, cultural, educational, and economic freedoms. However, there are still many regions and people dealing with war, violence, or racism. Not to mention the numerous forms of human rights violations that exist in contemporary society.

Therefore, it is crucial to educate people, especially the younger generation, about the importance of maintaining peace. Every year, September 21st is designated as the day on which all nations and territories should focus on promoting world peace through campaigns and other projects that demand an end to wars, riots, and discrimination. Additionally, this is a chance for groups, communities, and individuals to show their societal spirit and commitment at a variety of activity levels.

As an international school in Vietnam that exclusively teaches the New South Wales program in combination with core values including Care and Responsibility, SISS also joins hands to carry out meaningful activities such as Peace Day for all teachers and students to have the opportunity to express their spirit of love for peace.

Living in peace is the aspiration and goal of all humanity. Each of us individually carries an infinite power, and when we unite this power, we will create great values for world peace. SISS believes that through small acts of contribution, students will better understand their responsibilities to society as well as be empowered to express love, the desire to be connected, the eagerness to help in difficult circumstances, and the willingness to act for a society without violence.

On September 21st, 2023, the School will organize many activities at all campuses for Jaguars, including:

  • Decorating the peace symbol “Together in Beautiful Peace”: Each student will be given a piece of wood with the peace sign engraved on it to decorate. After that, students will design their own pieces of wood and place them in a transparent mica box in a round shape of peace symbol with the inscription “SISS – Together in Beautiful Peace”.
  • Decorating a dove “Together Make Our Dove for Peace”: Each class will receive pre-glued pigeon-shaped boards. Students will then decorate them with the theme “Together Make Our Dove for Peace”. Students can print fingerprints, draw flowers, draw pigeons, fold paper cranes, etc. to complete the pigeon decoration.
  • Drawing a pigeon “Say Your Peace”: Each student will be given a paper plate, where they will draw the shape of a pigeon, use DIY colors, and write their own message. Their finished products will be hung on the ceiling of the classroom by the School.

In particular, teachers and students are encouraged to wear blue shirts to school, and for each shirt, the School will contribute 10,000 VND to the Community Raising Fund – Build A Better Tomorrow. This fund will be used to implement the “Yen Bai, For a Brighter Tomorrow” community projects for the ethnic minority communities in Yen Bai Province.

Jaguars, save this special day and look forward to exciting activities!

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